Friday, January 4, 2013

Holiday Meal

Hot Apple Cider

    3 parts apple juice* 1 part water
    cinnamon stick
    ginger, thin slice (optional)
    lemon zest, several thin slices (optional)
    several whole cloves – too many makes it bitter (optional)
1.  Pour juice and water into a tall pot with a lid and turn on heat to high.  You can see that a lot of the ingredients are entirely optional.  We like it that way because then we’re not limited to making cider only when we have everything at home.
2.  Prepare spices and add to pot.  We put everything but the cinnamon stick in a tea infuser.  Otherwise, you have to strain the cider or pick out small chunks one by one.
3.  When pot reaches a boil, turn to the lowest setting.  Let simmer about 15 minutes.  Add thin slices of lemon for decoration if desired.
4.  Remove infuser.  Ladle into mugs and enjoy.
*When picking out apple juice, read the label and try to get juice without added sugar – often called “apple cider” instead of “apple juice” by some companies.  Unfiltered juice (which looks a little foggy) is our favorite when we can find it.
**Do not combine with black licorice of any sort

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